Tag Archive: streets

Gallipoli — Kalipolis

20140102-183723.jpgA few days ago we took a brief visit to the old city of Gallipoli on the southwest coast of the Salento, perched on an island just offshore in the Ionian Sea, like so many of the places settled by Iron-Age Greek colonists.

Mobbed in the summer with beach goers, in the New Year we were one of just a few scattered families visiting its multicolored narrow streets. It’s original Greek name means ‘lovely city,’ and it certainly fits the bill.

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Old Ways

Via dell’Orso

Wandering the streets of old Perugia is one of the great pleasures of living in this city. Narrow, twisting, surprising–they invite the visitor to get lost in a medieval labyrinth. Pedestrian-only (in theory, anyway) alleys are sloped with shallow steps that seem awkward going down but are perfectly set for walking up.

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Not Just Dormice - Food for Thought

Exploring Roman food, memory & identity

Architecture of Sport: Soccer in Italy

DePauw Winter Term 2015-2017

Nomadstrek Journeys


Canterbury Travails

It all begain when our family of four relocated from Vashon, WA to Canterbury for a year

Art by Jakob

Through Young Eyes

Soccer Coaching Blog | Professional Soccer Coaching Advice

Professional Soccer Coaching Advice features free tips, tools, sessions and advice from Premier League and grassroots coaches.

one year in perugia

Living in Italy with my family

Electrum Magazine

Our family's time in Perugia